Made by a Cowgirl

Interview by Eva Erhardt

Q: Your collection “Made by a Cowgirl” prides itself on being “made for cowgirls, by a cowgirl,” which seems fairly personal. What connection do you have to western wear and “cowgirl” culture?

A: My connection to the western cowgirl theme stems from my hometown of Loganville, Georgia. I have always loved our slow living lifestyle, but wanted to mix that feeling with being a young designer in my 20s.

Q: How do you walk the line of classic western wear and modern fashion when constructing your pieces?

A: I don’t really think of modern fashion when designing. I simply pull from things that inspire me and try to design pieces me and my friends would wear ourselves. This takes my garments from overly western to more of a 2023 cowgirl style.

Q: What were your major influences when putting together your pieces, whether that’s designers, media or personal experiences?

A: My main influence behind this collection was my family and friends. I design for the people who just want to have fun through fashion and see bold enough to choose pieces that stray away from traditional.

Q: What are your next steps after graduation? Do you plan to continue with this theme?

A: I am pursing my masters degree after graduation but plan on continuing to develop the brand “Made by a Cowgirl” during this time.